Tombol Show Desktop Dikembalikan Di Windows 11 Build 22635.3566

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Sekitar lima bulan lampau Microsoft mulai rencananya untuk menggantikan tombol show desktop yang ada dibagian kanan Taskbar (tepat disamping icon notification center).

Selanjutnya melalui Windows 11 Insider Build 26508, Microsoft akhirnya mulai menghilangkan tombol tersebut secara default meskipun pengguna tetap dapat memunculkannya kembali dari laman Settings.

Namun tampaknya keputusan untuk menghilangkan tombol show desktop tersebut cukup ditentang banyak pengguna hingga akhirnya melalui pembaruan KB5037002 nan dirilis untuk Windows 11 Insider Beta Build (22635.3566), Microsoft kembali munculkan tombol show desktop secara default di sistem Windows 11.

In response to feedback, we are now showing the “show desktop” button by default and users can still manage this by right-clicking on the taskbar and choosing “Taskbar settings” (which opens Settings > Personalization > Taskbar directly).

Menurut Microsoft, meskipun tombol show desktop di Taskbar sekarang telah dimunculkan kembali secara default, namun pengguna tetap bisa mengaturnya dari laman Settings > Personalization > Taskbar seperti nan telah dijelaskan pada tulisan berikut.

Selain itu, keahlian untuk melakukan drag and drop di address bar File Explorer juga sekarang telah tersedia untuk para pengguna Windows 11 Insider Beta nan mengaktifkan toggle get the latest updates as they are available dihalaman Settings > Windows Updates.

Nah peningkatan nan mantap bukan?, intinya sih dapat dikatakan bahwa ini bukanlah fitur baru, melainkan fitur nan sudah ada, kemudian dihilangkan (dengan argumen peningkatan), lampau mendapatkan feedback buruk, lampau dikembalikan dengan kata (fitur baru alias peningkatan juga). Menyebalkan bukan?

Selain itu, dua peningkatan diatas saat ini baru bakal didapatkan bagi pengguna Windows 11 Insider Beta Build 22635.3566 nan mengaktifkan toggle get the latest updates as they are available, jadi pastikan Anda mengaktifkan toggle tersebut guys.

Peningkatan Tamabahan (Untuk Semua Pengguna / Termasuk Toggle Off)

Selain itu build 22635.3566 ini membawa cukup banyak peningkatan dan perbaikan terhadap sistem operasi nan mencakup perbaikan aplikasi Settings nan crash ketika kiita menyalin sebuah teks di build sebelumnya, dan beberapa perbaikan lain nan diantaranya mencakup:

  • New! This pembaruan improves the Widgets icons on the taskbar. They are no longer pixelated or fuzzy. This pembaruan also starts the rollout of a larger set of animated icons.
  • New! This pembaruan affects Widgets on the lock screen. They are more reliable and have improved quality. This pembaruan also supports more visuals and a more customized experience for you.
  • This pembaruan fixes an issue which was causing Settings to crash when copying out text in the last few flights.
  • This pembaruan addresses an issue that affects universal printers. The system creates duplicate print queues for them.
  • This pembaruan adds support for Arm64 .msi files using a Group Policy Object (GPO). You can now use the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) to add Arm64 .msi files. You can also use a GPO to install these files on Arm64 machines.
  • This pembaruan affects hypervisor-protected code integrity (HVCI). It accepts drivers that are now compatible.
  • This pembaruan addresses an issue that occurs when you elevate from a normal user to an Administrator to run an application. When you use a PIN to sign in, the app will not run.
  • This pembaruan affects Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2). Intermittent name resolution fails in a split DNS setup.
  • This pembaruan addresses an issue that affects the netstat -c It fails to perform effective port exhaustion troubleshooting.
  • This pembaruan addresses an issue that affects a low latency network. The speed of info on the network degrades significantly. This occurs when you turn on timestamps for a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection.
  • This pembaruan addresses an issue that affects the Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC). A memory leak occurs when it retrieves mappings.
  • This pembaruan includes quarterly changes to the Windows Kernel Vulnerable Driver Blocklist file, p7b. It adds to the list of drivers that are at risk for Bring Your Own Vulnerable Driver (BYOVD) attacks.
  • This pembaruan affects the touch keyboard. It makes the Japanese 106 keyboard layout appear as expected when you sign in.
  • This pembaruan adds a new mobile device management (MDM) policy called “AllowScreenRecorder.” It affects the Snipping Tool. IT admins can use this policy to turn off screen recording in the app.
  • This pembaruan addresses an issue that affects Bluetooth Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP) hardware offload. A stop error occurs on PCs that support it.
  • This pembaruan addresses a memory allocation issue in the Host Networking Service (HNS). The issue causes high memory consumption. It also affects service and pod deployment and scaling.
  • This pembaruan addresses an issue that affects the container networking Address Resolution Protocol (ARP). It returns the wrong Virtual Subnet ID (VSID) for external ports.
  • This pembaruan affects media allocations. It improves their memory granularity for some hardware setups. This lowers overcommitment. Also, performance is more efficient.
  • This pembaruan addresses an issue that affects an accelerator backing store management path. A memory leak occurs that affects some devices.
  • This pembaruan addresses an issue that affects Windows Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS). Its Post Authentication Actions (PAA) do not occur at the end of the grace period. Instead, they occur at restart.
  • This pembaruan addresses a race condition that might stop a machine from starting up. This occurs when you set up a bootloader to start up multiple OSes.
  • This pembaruan makes Country and Operator Settings Asset (COSA) profiles up to date for some mobile operators.
  • This pembaruan addresses an issue that affects the Resilient File System (ReFS). A high load might make the system unresponsive. Also, signing in might be slow.
  • This pembaruan addresses an issue that affects Settings. It stops responding when you dismiss a flyout menu.
  • This pembaruan addresses an issue that affects Protected Process Light (PPL) protections. You can bypass them.

Sementara itu, ada satu known issues mengenai Internet Information Services (IIS) dan Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) yang kemungkinan tidak bakal bekerja setelah pengguna memperbarui sistem dengan pembaruan KB5037002 ini.

Nah gimana menurutmu? sudahkah Anda mendapatkan pembaruan ini? komen dibawah guys

Via : Microsoft

Written by

Gylang Satria

Penulis, Pengguna Windows 11, Elementary OS, dan Iphone SE 2020. Tag @gylang_satria di Disqus jika ada pertanyaan.

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